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  1. J

    Sudden drop!

    The temperature, maybe?
  2. J

    Mini 1.4 bricked after ABS module coding

    I don't know if this is any more relevant, but you might have messed up the code.
  3. J

    Mini Cooper SE Seat Belt

    Sorry, but this is funny 😅 Have you found any solution yet?
  4. J

    Listening to Music with the Engine Off

    Someone likes chilling in his car. 😏
  5. J

    Charging issues at a DC charger

    Hello! I am new here and I have this issue. My Mini 2022 MINI Electric drops from the expected 45-50 kWh to around 12-22 kWh after the first charge of the day. The dealer hasn’t been able to fix it, and we have never heard of this problem before. We know the car isn't meant for long trips, but...

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