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  1. N

    Slow DC charging in my EV every morning!

    Anyone else notice a dip in DC charging speed during cold weather? Just topped up my EV at a familiar Instavolt on my way back home. Normally, I get 40+ kW/h there, but this time it maxed out at 20 kW/h. Car said it was -1.5°C the whole trip, but shouldn't the battery management sort things...
  2. N

    Proactive visit for service for 2023 Mini SE

    My 2023 SE just hit the 2-year mark with a 8K miles, seriously, this thing is fun! The dealer hasn't bugged me about service yet, but wondering if I should be proactive and schedule an appointment anyway? Thinking a checkup might be a good idea for peace of mind. Anyone else get serviced...
  3. N

    Smart charger dumb mode options

    Old charger is getting really old. Looking for a proper home charger, but the "smart" features on some chargers worry me. What happens if the company goes bust and the app stops working? Ideally, I'd like a charger with a "dumb mode" that lets me use it even without a phone app (just in...
  4. N

    Getting the most out of Intelligent Octopus

    Just joined the Intelligent Octopus with my Mini Cooper SE! All set up after the test charge, but wondering if any seasoned EV drivers have tips for maximizing savings? Noticed the app capped charging at 80% by default, which I bumped up. Any other settings or tricks to optimize charging with...
  5. N

    Insurance renewal hike!

    Just got my car insurance renewal options and it's brutal! They're jacking up 46% increase with no changes or claims on my 2-car policy and ine is SE. Anyone else dealing with this or have better options? Need to find a better deal soon!

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